This year our Halloween was unlike any before. I partly blame our active and spunky toddler for making things more fun (as per usual) but it felt like Halloween was a really really good time this year!

We threw a last-minute party with friends Saturday night when some plans went a little backwards but it all worked out! Our little crew dressed as Leia, Han Solo, and one furry little Ewok. I ran to the thrift store and threw some stuff together late Friday night, grabbing all things FUR for Remi's getup. After considering disassembling a poor teddy bear, I finally ended up sewing Remi's pants and ears myself. There was, and still is, fur scattered throughout my entire bedroom but those adorable furry pants were worth it! Apparently it was a hit because I found Remi smearing brown face paint all over her cheeks Sunday morning saying, "I look so beeeeautiful!" Haha!

Rem and Berkley - it didn't take long for Remi to change into her Rapunzel dress too! ;)
Marki is the sweetest!!

Just a little honesty for a minute -- I always feel a little zombie-like when I throw parties so that was probably fitting but sometimes I just feel like I'm always roaming, always tidying up, not really getting a good visit in. A buddy called me out on it one time at a previous party of ours and it stuck with me so this time I decided to actually sit down and carve a pumpkin. Well yeah, that's a lie because I carved 3! I went a little crazy. I had the longest white sleeves on the planet so Jason gutted 2 of the pumpkins for me (which is the worst part so why not do 2!) and then I painted another with chalk paint. As embarrassing and dumb as this is, it was so nice actually participating in the fun! I guess I need to sit down and relax at my own parties more often!

A sweet friend left me the cutest little home-made sugar cookie kit for Remi and I to decorate later as a hosting gift [!!!] how kind is that?! And THENNN Sunday night I went downstairs to put some things away and found that my basement had been cleaned! We are talking immaculately - way tidier than I had it to begin with. I'm honestly wondering if they used my vacuum because it was fressssh! It was such a relief and brought the biggest smile to my face. 
I went to bed Sunday night feeling like a million bucks mostly because I love a tidy house haha but mostly because I am honestly blessed with the best. I love to host, I love to give, I love to share and it's all because I have some fantastic people in my life who set the standard so freakin' high and make sure I know I'm loved! They're all gems! 

I'm sorry this fun, spooky post turned a little sappy but cheers to genuine peeps and fun parties -- or as Jason would put it, "any excuse to mess with dry ice!"

^^ We call this Remi's Trump face and she does it waaaay too often! A little before and after of the MADDOX pumpkin.
The best part -- counting up all of your loot! :)


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