I took a look at the noses of all my friend's kids and the kids in nursery last weekend and knew we were in for a sniffle sesh sometime soon. No escaping it! Even the cashier at Costco had to apologize to me for sounding stuffy. He went on a rant about pressure changes and I zoned out, staring longingly at the Cold-FX off in the distance. Ha just kidding but it's just how it is! People get sick.

It hit Jason first with a rough case of strep throat. I hoped and prayed it wouldn't spread to Remi but a few days later she was sniffling and coughing up a storm. She fevered for a few days, popped 2 teeth the next, seemed back to normal for a couple days after that, and now is back to sniffles and coughs. When it rains it POURS for this girl, I swear! I played nurse for a week (AKA googled my little heart out) and was starting to feeling pretty proud of my immune system! Yeah... I jinxed it.

So here we are - super congested with kleenex close at all times. Remi is not a cuddler so you know she's really feeling down when all she says after waking up is, "sit? guppies??" While she napped I rounded up some of her cutest blankets and built a blanket fort. I will soak up every snuggle I can get! What my baby wants, my baby gets. ha! (even if it means Bubble Guppies songs running through my head on repeat) We have been glazed over machines and I don't feel guilty for a second!

Remi requested reading bedtime stories in the "fort" so she gathered her books and with the most excitement I have seen all day, bolted upstairs. We read and read until she climbed up, put her little head on my shoulder, and asked to go "nigh nigh". I think she was asleep before I even laid her down in her crib! Poor lady. Sometimes the cleaning, counting, getting outside, practicing colors, getting dressed (what?!) and all that high-energy jazz just has to wait on days where blanket forts are the best type of medicine.

All blankets courtesy of Little Unicorn. I didn't realize we had collected so many but I love them! Obviously. ;)


  1. I sing the nobody nose song everyday. with or without henry. cheers to miss remi feeling better!

    1. Hahahah yess! This makes me feel a lot better about myself! Thanks Cofro! I hope she's over it soon.

  2. Line ip everybody line up line up, that one is so dang catchy...i love those blankets!!!

    1. Oh man gets me every time too! Haha way too catchy. And I seriously want them all (!!!)


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