Summer 2k14

Summer has been kicking our butts this year. It has been nonstop fun! The 4 mosquito bites on Rem's face, 1 on her finger, and 1 on her toe can prove it too. Although this is the whitest I have been in this season my entire life, I am loving it! Remi is changing way too fast but it has been a lot easier to tow her around. She is getting stronger and even though her head wobbles a bit and her legs get tired, she can hold her own pretty well! She coos and tells stories nonstop! Grandpa got her first laugh out of her on July 3, and she broke out July 20 with countless belly laughs. That's a milestone you never want to miss! It was adorable!

I could recap a million amazing things especially with Magrath Days coming this weekend but considering my small window before Remi wakes up, here are some iPhone photos from the last couple weeks. 


  1. ok this is such a tease post!! I need more deets! Especially since it's been ages since I've seen you!

    1. Ah I'm sorry Kylie! I made some videos (link on sidebar) that might give more detail? I promise I will get better after the summer. Promise! ;)

  2. Darling memories!!! Family time is the best. Those belly laughs aren't too shabby either. I love your happy space. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thank you so much! I'm loving making these memories. :)

  3. Love your blog Bryanna! Is it mean if I admit that I love it extra when it includes pictures of my Bennett kids?! I also love your sweet baby, hope I get to meet her sometime. D&K need to have another family event, we always got in a good visit at all their baby blessings, hahah!

    1. Ummm not mean at all because I understand 100%. Why do you think they are the majority of my photos? Those guys are the life of the party! Hope to see you ASAP!


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