Oh, pregnancy.

I have no idea where all the time went. I have been in a lazy cycle of work, remembering that "oh yea I'm pregnant", and then more work. I haven't bought (or considered buying for that matter) a single baby item, I have only purchased 1/3 of a Christmas gift, and fresh veggie sandwiches or rice with butter, salt, and pepper are a daily necessity.

Pregnancy is weird. 

I shouldn't play the prego card and blame my laziness on strictly that, however, I have not felt like resting this much in my entire life! Maybe I can blame the 50 feet of snow that dumped on us today because it was definitely a soup, decorate for Christmas, and drink hot cocoa kind of night! Give me until December 23rd to realize I need to get this show on the road, but until then...merry lazy days to you!

19 weeks.


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