Come At Me, Jack Frost!

This last spring a pretty unfortunate thing happened to us. We had just returned home from a trip with friends and unknowingly left our car unlocked with the GoPro in it. Of all nights, a bunch of cars were broken into on our street and our GoPro was history. It made me so sick because we couldn't justify getting another one and it was such a fun camera to have, especially for Jason! Needless to say, we didn't have our GoPro for the entire summer and we were bummed. Dirt biking and water fun just weren't the same.

Just recently, Jason's brother sent Jason a Kijiji ad of two GoPros being sold, one of them looking identical to Jason's. With a little wishful thinking, Jason decided to go confront the guy selling them. The guy was super nice and long story short, Jason connected to the GoPro wifi and up popped the network "Peterson GoPro". Apparently the guy had traded the GoPros from a kid in Cardston a few days earlier and was now selling them. He was super honest and gave Jason our GoPro back without any hassles. How crazy is that?! I was nervous that a fight or sketchy situation was about to go down but with Jason's luck it went flawlessly and we were PUMPED! So so pumped!

We put it to good use as we bundled up and headed to the sugar bowl for some sledding last weekend. Remi was an immobile puffy blob but her little giggles and shrieks of excitement proved this idea to be a success. I didn't get to see her face a lot of the time, and you still really can't with her toque over her eyes, but this footage gave me the feels! So simple and so fun! I appreciate my life mostly because of those I get to share it with.


  1. at 54 seconds I die! I love her face.

  2. Wow, what a fun event and the photos are amazing. And Remi just smiles through everything. Amazing.

  3. And Remi just smiles through everything and takes everything in stride. Amazing.

    1. Thank you Grandma! She is a trooper and soaks it all up! I like this current fun little phase we are in.


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