PART 3 Renos: kitchen + floor

The kitchen was somewhat tricky to wrap my mind around when we first moved in. I just couldn't see myself loving the dark oak. Yes, they were beautiful for some and yes, they were custom made but I just felt like it was a dark, cavernous pit and I knew I was going to be spending the majority of my time in this part of the house so I wanted to freshen it up!


The walls were a already white so I wanted to add a little contrast. Search "contrast cabinets" or "two-toned cabinets" on Pinterest and you will see all sorts of options. I gravitated towards a dark navy/gray color. We went to home depot and I found this color swatch right off the bat. It was perfect! (The swatch is far more true to color in person than the one on the link ps) The best part was that when we got home and put both the paint and floor samples up to the back splash, they couldn't have matched better! I didn't even realize there was a hint of navy in the backsplash so we lucked out.

I fought hard for new flooring. I promised Jason I wouldn't spend a dime on myself from September until Christmas if it meant new floors. Bahaha I know, don't laugh! I have actually been doing well! We knew we were going to switch out the floor eventually but I really just wanted to get it over with. The excessive amounts of squares in this kitchen were getting to me! 

The flooring took a few weeks longer to arrive than we had planned. I guess it's a good sign when the item you love is in high demand right?? While we waited for that, we installed a cork-board wall, lighting above the cabinets, two new light fixtures, and champagne brass hardware to the cabinets. Things were really starting to come together and once the flooring was in, we added a skinny island and table.

I really love how it all turned out. The hardware really ties in the flooring and island countertop to a tee. There are still a few little fixes, like the corner breadbox, countertops someday, and the sunshine ceiling holes, but other than that we are happy happy happy!

^^ Natural lighting is always the best lighting. 

a few of you have asked for sources so here at the deeeeets: 
simple white paint
navy paint • poppyseed by Behr
floors • almond crunch by EcoLay
middle island • Canadian Tire sale 
kitchen table • Ikea 
hardware • Lowes (special order)

^^ still very in love with this floor! It has the perfect tri-tone of browns and greys in a lighter beachy wood hue that I really couldn't find anywhere else. Worth the wait!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Cassie! I think it's one of those trial and error things haha. Some days I love it and others I wonder why the heck houses have 3 levels you have to keep clean!! :P

  2. I LOVE the transformation- such a good choice!

    1. Thank you so much Aunt Leanne! Come and see it in person sometime!!


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